Diagnosing Unexplained Bruising

Unexplained bruising can be concerning, but diagnosing its cause requires careful evaluation by a healthcare professional. Here's what you need to know about the process of diagnosing unexplained bruising:

1. Medical History

Your healthcare provider will start by taking a detailed medical history, including any recent injuries, surgeries, or changes in medications. They will also inquire about your family history of bleeding disorders or other relevant medical conditions.

2. Physical Examination

A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess the extent and location of the bruising. Your healthcare provider may also examine your skin, looking for signs of underlying conditions such as petechiae (tiny red or purple spots), which can indicate a bleeding disorder.

3. Laboratory Tests

Depending on your medical history and physical examination findings, your healthcare provider may order various laboratory tests to help diagnose the underlying cause of unexplained bruising. These tests may include:

  • Complete blood count (CBC) to check for abnormalities in blood cell counts.
  • Coagulation studies to assess blood clotting function.
  • Liver function tests to evaluate liver health.
  • Blood chemistry tests to assess kidney function and overall health.
  • Tests for specific autoimmune markers or genetic mutations associated with bleeding disorders.

4. Imaging Studies

In some cases, imaging studies such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI may be ordered to evaluate internal organs or blood vessels for signs of injury, inflammation, or other abnormalities that could be contributing to unexplained bruising.

5. Consultation with Specialists

Depending on the suspected cause of unexplained bruising, your healthcare provider may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation and management. This may include hematologists, rheumatologists, or other specialists with expertise in diagnosing and treating specific conditions.


Diagnosing unexplained bruising involves a comprehensive approach that may include medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and consultation with specialists. By identifying the underlying cause of unexplained bruising, healthcare providers can develop an appropriate treatment plan to address any underlying health issues and improve patient outcomes.